The purpose of the Guidance Counseling program at Grace Christian School is to assist and support students in planning and preparing for their education beyond high school. This includes assisting with high school course selections, encouraging extracurricular activities and community service projects, and providing other appropriate experiences inside and outside of the school setting to promote growth and learning.
Colleges from around the country seek our GCS grads. Admissions representatives tell us that our graduates stand out in their love of learning, positive community involvement, and extracurricular activities.
Vision Statement
God uniquely created all people in His image and for His purpose. For this reason, the Grace Christian School Guidance Counseling office seeks to encourage development and growth in each student’s beliefs and academic abilities through their propensity for learning about their character, their world, and their future(Genesis 1:27 / Proverbs 19:21).
What to expect when you are a…
Freshman take the CLT10 (Classic Learning test) in the fall.
Sophomores take the The CLT10 (Classic Learning test) and can take the PSAT test in the fall. In the spring they are given a career and aptitude assessment to help encourage discussion and research about career interest and options. Sophomores are also invited to apply for the National Honor Society if they have a 3.65 GPA.
Juniors take the CLT (Classic Learning test) and the PSAT in the fall. The PSAT is used as the National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test. They are also encouraged to schedule a meeting with the guidance counselor to discuss Senior classes and college/trade school options.
Juniors may start taking the SAT/ACT tests in the spring. SATs/ACTs are offered seven times during the year. Students are responsible to schedule their own test and to send the scores to their colleges of interest. Our school does administer the Saturday SAT on selected dates. Please see the counseling office for more information on what those dates are.
Senior year is one filled with excitement, preparation and transition, as seniors and their families move from planning to action. SAT, ACT and CLT testing will continue through December of the Senior year. There will be many events for Seniors and their families, Senior Celebration, College Decision Day, and finally graduation.
Current Students/Parents
Login to your Naviance Account using the logo below to get started. If you have forgotten your login information please contact the Counseling office. Naviance is used to build your resume, research both colleges and careers. It is also used in your Senior year to request letters of recommendation from your teachers and transcripts to be sent to colleges.
Click on the links below for standardized testing practice.